Monday, June 22, 2009

Self evaluation does values education work to your advantage?
  • it may help to understand whats the differences or the real meaning of college.
2.After you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college?
  • by studying hard.
3.Assign your readiness for college using the checklist "making transition from high school to college".
  • i have lots of time to study in college.
  • i have my new set of friends.
  • i really need to study hard in college.
4.what of difference of high school to college?
  • we, the students go to the rooms but in hig school, the teacher will always go to your room.(in high school the section is in one room only)
  • in college the break time depends on your schedule but in high school theres only two break time, first is the recess and the second is in lunch.
  • in high school you will study a subject for 10 months, in college you will only study for it in 12 weeks.. that's wicked cool..
there's so many differences of high school to college.....

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